What's next? — Danny Forest

What`s Next?

Congratulations on going through the 10 days. I hope the skills have been valuable to you!

If you reached this point, you've likely completed the course. If you're unsure of yourself and would like a full review from me, with additional pointers on how to take your learning to the next level, click on the following link:

I want my learning plan reviewed by Danny! ($47)

If you want additional coaching on skill development and learning how to learn, I can do a one-on-one call with you for $200. That prices includes the learning plan review.

I want one-on-one skill development coaching with Danny! ($200)

If you would rather get coached by a member of my team for cheaper, please send an email to skillup@forestco.co.

If you have any other questions, please reach out to the same email address.