Practice - Spaced Repetition


Using an app:
✅ Download Anki or other Spaced Repetition apps (See Additional Resources).
✅ On your next study session, add things you want to remember into the app.

Without using an app:
✅ Note the topic and "location" (website, page #, etc) of what you want to recall in your calendar. Write it down for 24 hours after, a week after, and a month after.
✅ Refer to that calendar at least once a day.

Other things to consider:
✅ Don't procrastinate. It's easy to not do it once, but once turns into a habit.
✅ Always read an article or book with the use of Spaced Repetition.
✅ Always watch videos with the use of Space Repetition.
✅ If you haven't done it at this point in the course, start now and return to what you previously learned.