Practice -Habit Management


✅ List the things you want to do and not do daily.
✅ Make each item short and achievable.
✅ Place them on a calendar and somewhere you'll see without making an effort (on the fridge or next to your computer for example).
✅ Make it your computer and phone's wallpaper.
✅ Schedule a block of time (5 minutes at most) daily when you'll go through the list and check what you did and didn't do.

Know your why:
✅ Do your Ikigai (quarterly) (read this)
✅ Do your Map of Life (monthly) (read this)
✅ With everything you do, ask yourself if it aligns with your life mission and your values.
✅ Say no to things (see Additional Resources)

✅ With the items you listed you wanted to track in mind, analyze objects in your environment. Note how productive each thing is to make you accomplish your goals. 
✅ Make the non-productive things hard to reach
✅ Put subliminal or explicit messages all over to remind you to do things. For example: "FLOSS" on your bathroom's mirror.
✅ For morning habits, prepare what you'll need to do the habit the night before.